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Chelmsford /Heybridge /Maldon - April 2009


The Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation runs for nearly 14 miles between Chelmsford and Heybridge and makes a delightful traffic-free-walk taking about four and a half hours at a reasonable pace. Paper Mill Lock is situated about half way along, and its cafe makes an excellent stopping off point for lunch or just a drink. An alternative and slightly shorter option is to finish the walk at the Tesco Superstore in Maldon, and a longer option is to walk from Heybridge back to Maldon along the estuary. There is a good bus service back to Chelmsford. The route described here covers the Chelmsford-Maldon-Heybridge-Maldon option, and takes approximately five and a half hours.

Courtesy of https://www.willowboathire.co.uk/localarea

Chelmsford Sea Cadets Club House

Springfield Lock, Chelmsford

After the A138 bridge, the canal runs in to open countryside as it progresses
towards Barnes Mill Lock

Fisherman at Barnes Mill Lock

Bridge at Barnes Mill Lock

Bundocks Bridge, near Sandford Mill Lock

Sandford Mill Lock

Moorings after Sandford Mill Lock

After passing under the A12 bridge you approach a footbridge, part of Grace's Walk route

Cuton Lock

Broad beam boat near Cuton Lock


Approaching Baddow Mill Lock

Baddow Mill Lock

Tea rooms at Paper Mill Lock

Paper Mill Lock

Paper Mill Lock

The 13th century Church of All Saints at Ulting Wick.
Flint construction with weatherboarded and shingle spire

Approaching Hoe Mill Lock, 8 miles into the walk

Moorings at Hoe Mill Lock

Pipebridge near Langford Water Works. You often see Kingfishers in the next mile of canal.

The view after Beeleigh Lock, with the River Chelmer going off to the right

Tesco Supermarket at Maldon. Here you can leave the canal and walk up the steep hill
into Maldon to catch the bus back to Chelmsford, or you can continue along the
canal to Heybridge Basin. (11 miles approximately, up to this point)
(Chelmsford - Maldon is about 3 hours 30 minutes)

Continuing along the canal towards Heybridge Basin

Heybridge Sea Lock

The Old Ship pub at Heybridge Sea Lock
(Chelmsford - Heybridge is about 4 hours 30 minutes)

Alternative route back to Maldon along the estuary

Looking back towards Heybridge Sea Lock as you head along the estuary to Maldon

Maldon in the distance

Maldon across the Blackwater

The Old Railway Station, Maldon

Moorings in Maldon

(Chelmsford - Heybridge - Maldon is about 5 hours 30 minutes)